Blogger of malaysia

blogger of malaysia please be careful what you write. nanti kana saman...kuang kuang kuang....stupid gomen!!!! No such things freedom of speech.....


Eeiii...boring oh...terkawin sama org kerja hotel ni...still feel bujang....kuang kuang kuang....


it's not easy blogging....kuang kuang kuang....having writer blocked.....hummmm....

crazy like hell week...

Busy week, working like hell, got my new car but not so smooth. On the day we take the car at Shah Alam the main palce for proton production. Wah! so big the place. Eventhough proton car is suck yet i'm still proud to own my first car from proton. If not from Tun M. don't think we can own an affordable first car. Needless to say, only went to 90 KM, ah sudah...tecabut minyak hose from pump to the crazy men. Fill the pump full tank then suddenly blinking already the indicator..called the salesman he said it's ok, it's only from the aircond cluster? but the smell of oil is a lot man... last last call auto assist cek the engine the mechanic was very surprise as he said this is the first time in his working career with proton he saw this..well there is always a first..HAHAHAH..finally he just inserted the dame things then i can go ...Wah nasib baik tidak tarffic jem...heheheh...Luckly also kak ct was there...heheh thankx kak ct...