The one eyed cobler

I have this shoes i have kept so long that i decided to wear it for work last Monday.then... Shoe, kept long time, wear suddenly, crack heels. So i send to the shoes repairman to fix heel. Went nearby to house along jalan Jalan TAR. Walking, looking for the guy always sitting next to shoe shop. But at the moment he have a lot of customer. was really in a rush, so i go to different direction and saw one person jauh narrr dia duduk sana kadai makan. Was walking fast toward him, he was looking scared macam mau tagih hutang..hehe.. as i was approching him, and saw him clearly. Then suddenly i saw this young local guy with one eyes. alamak kesian pulak...although he don't have that many equipment, i have to say his work is good and clean..he finished with my shoes fast and said to him " berapa Bang?" 4 Ringgit kak"..alamak his voice pun very soft i have to bend to him to listen. finally he stand up and and gave my shoes back. Gave him 5 ringgit. he was ready to give me my change back then i said to him " tak pe bang"i said "terima kasih akak" he said. And that's that. well the conclusion is not many youngster local still doing this job. not matter what it is kalu mat pet ka, its ok, better then "pilaks" sitting tepi kadai di sinsuron, api-api...


. said...

The one eyed cobbler, bah

lorenza said...

hahaha...mana sia tau..k sudah i know...