lets play make up.

Everyday routine of before starting my duty first uniform, pantyhose, shoes, hair and last but not least the "make up". Nowdays make up is important to me for work purpose at least. during those naive or people said "budak hingusan" day i don't even know what is eye shadow let alone plucking my eyebrow. The make up experience started when i got my first job at a 5 star hotel in kuala lumpur. Whhuaahhh! like always the mangsa one my big sister help me. i still remember during dinner time, which i was scared a little to asked " sut nanti ko tulung sia make up bisuk arh" its good to have a sister who understand that her little sister don't even know how to be a lady. Hehehe....so we wake up early that morning for my first day job, i think its was 5 a'clock in the morning just to prepare myself to make up, after much colours there and everywhere finally we get it right well "sut" got it right. off we went to work. It was nerve wrecking for me also as i don't dare to touch my face scared that it will wear off. But hey, it lasted until i finish my work. Now when putting on make up not even 5 minute off me go for my duty minus the hair bun like nenek tua they said.

Boring oh blog kau...

Bored? definition of bored:
–verb (used with object)
to weary by dullness, tedious repetition, unwelcome attentions, etc.: The long speech bored me.
a dull, tiresome, or uncongenial person.
a cause of ennui or petty annoyance: repetitious tasks that are a bore to do.

the third one is mine... So my sister said my blog is boring? tell me how not to unbore it? tulis cerita p birak ka...my sis said ...humm...like daphne iking...ok....if i'm a " celebrity" buli la kali. will try to kasi cerita yg best...lets see... work done, life done, trip done, bday done, what else...come on sut give me ideasss....i will eloborate for you....hehehehe

bio aura here goes..

A list of things of using water filter. The very expensive one which i bought from my friend. he said " minimum you can pay MYR100.00. well thats a good bargain considering its quiet expensive and i have to say thats a good bargain considering that i have 2 years to pay with no interest. so what can i say, water in city centre is really really bad and i'm getting tired of buying mineral water in a bottle. Taste the same though...duhhh its water...and clean...

Raya Open House at workplace

Raya open house at Ascott kl. fuh...yearly event for people eating and tapauing. Especially those lemang, ketupat, rendang and satay although i still miss papar satay..slurrp...it help a little.