My weekends is ussually my off day and usually all alone as my hubby works on shift. Either Saturday or Sunday(Not both day) unless it fall on public holiday then yey!! i got to spend my off day like people who works 9-5pm job and having weekends their off day. life would be bliss if i ever have the change to have both day as my offday. ok enough about off day. Lets see been spending my weekends with my sis, my cousing bona and my niece. a day full of crying (my niece kay), window shopping around town, cooking, baking, taking picture, gossiping, eat, eat and eat. Last 2 weekends went out my sis and niece for warehouse sale on books. She crazy on books. Bought a few books minus the pulling, pushing and smells of people in close proximity(am alegic to crowd..cehh..)and i can tell you this people still do read books lots and lots of it ok. i am now a believer..huh? ok..
Sue home made cake
The next weekends we went to curve/ikea kunun mau p bili christmas deco end up tebili jugak a few things. (Does small dolls count? hehe berabut with my niece again that) and minus the crowds we have to go thru again..heheh..walk around curve looking at chirstmas deco already up nice and pretty and all the sales...