first attempt planting.

People say this plants is for money luck or some say give more ONG for money to come in. The greenier it is or shiner or glosy the leaf is the more ONG is coming in. My plants is going there coz a new baby roots has comes out from this plant. Whoah! but the leaf is getting yellow and yellow. hummm..... That more luck to come right? Well i got to say since i have put a few pots of this money plant at my workplace my life is filled with busyness. And suddenly 2 to 3 tennant has already taken empty offices to rent. Well talk about ONG..

hopefully mine is....


. said...

Bah, nanti kasih sia bibit dia ok

lorenza said...

bili aja d ikea..pas 2 ko jaga la btul btul...

Anonymous said...

hmm talking about money plant..last time my boss place this plant in his office you say its bring you ONG..he said the same thing..more business will come in..BUT the real fact is the business is going down and down..and thats why i am here now beside you..hehe..

better put the plant in our lets the money come in to our house!